Friends, yes, we are lined up for some significant snowfall this afternoon/evening and overnight tonight. And so, once the snow has stopped flying, we are calling out all of our WalkUP Roslindale Snow Clearance Collaborative Version 4.2 forces in a virtual, socially distanced way to don a face covering, pick up a shovel, and safely and calmly dig out a bus stop, a curb ramp, or a neglected sidewalk or bike lane wherever in Roslindale they may be, then send us a picture of the dug out locations at We’ll be happy to give you our deep, undying thanks and connect you with $10 in Rozzie Bucks from Roslindale Village Main Street as a reward. Thanks!
REMINDER: Cummins Highway Walk Audit – 7 December 2019 @ 9 am
On this group walk, we will cover the section of Cummins from Washington Street to Rowe Street, starting at 9:00 am at the RVMS office (4236 Washington Street). It should take us about 90 minutes to discuss the process (with a “Ped 101” slide presentation similar to the one we saw from our friends at WalkBoston in Decemeber 2015 for the Roslindale Square Walk Audit inside what is now the Distraction Brewing space, as pictured above) and then get out there identifying street safety issues and possible solutions that we can carry forward to our elected and appointed officials. RSVP and spread the word via our Facebook event page.

Birch Street Pop-Up Plaza This Week – Runs Tuesday through Sunday (30 April-3 May 2019)
We here at WalkUP Roslindale are just simply awed at the progress that RVMS and the Birch Street merchants have been making on seeing what can be made of the one-block section of Birch between Corinth and Belgrade. Following up on last year’s series of Open Birch Saturdays during June, they’re plunging even further ahead and, as part of the city’s new pilot program for tactical public realm interventions and in cooperation with A Better City and architects Merritt Chase, we will see the first fruits of their labor this week. Check out the facebook page and let the world (or at least the world on facebook) know that you’ll be stopping by to enjoy a little bit more of our city that is being repurposed for people instead of vehicles. It’ll be worth your while — and remember, we’re not closing this part of Birch to anyone, we’re opening it fully to everyone — so, feel free to walk around, sit, read, enjoy, converse in this bit of our neighborhood, and, if you like it, support making it permanent.
*** UPDATED *** WalkUP Roslindale Snow Clearance Collaborative – Session 3 – ACTIVATED for 4 March 2019
This one seems to have been more along the lines of 10-12″ (25-30cm). This morning’s locations are done (thanks!). Here are the ones for this afternoon:
HP Avenue/Cummins Highway (NE corner) – Monday, 4 March 2019, 2:00 pm (Organizer: Nick Ward).
Washington Street/Cornell Street – Monday, 4 March 2019, 5:00 pm (Organizer: Sarah Kurpiel Lee)
Washington Street/Blue Ledge – Monday, 4 March 2019, 5:00 pm (Organizer: Rob Orthman)
Participation Guidelines – Bring your own equipment (shovels, spades) and materials (ice melt) if you feel healthy and up to it. Find the organizers at the above locations at the stipulated dates/times and make sure to give them your name and email address so we can log you in for RVMS Rozzie Bucks for taking part. Thanks!!!
WalkUP Roslindale Snow Clearance Collaborative is ON – See below re dates/times/locations [UPDATE RE CUMMINS/HP AV.]
With 4″ (10cm) + of fluffy snow having fallen with this storm, we are hereby activating the Collaborative. Note the principal locations/organizers/dates/times below. Thanks!
Washington & Cornell Streets – Friday, 1 March 2019, 12:00 pm (Organizer: Sarah Kurpiel Lee)
Roslindale Community Center (Washington & Cummins) – Friday, 1 March 2019, 7:00 am (Organizer: Steve Gag)
Hyde Park Avenue/Cummins Highway – Thursday, 28 February 2019, 12:30 pm (Organizer: Nick Ward)
Walter & South Streets (front of Green T) – Friday, 1 March 2019, 7:00 am (Organizer: Matt Lawlor)
Participation Guidelines – Bring your own equipment (shovels, spades) and materials (ice melt) if you feel healthy and up to it. Find the organizers at the above locations at the stipulated dates/times and make sure to give them your name and email address so we can log you in for RVMS Rozzie Bucks for taking part. Thanks!!!
WalkUP Roslindale Snow Clearance Collaborative – POSSIBLE ACTIVATION 12-13 Feb 2019 – STAY TUNED HERE.
Depending on snowfall amounts and temperatures this afternoon/evening/overnight, we may be activating the Collaborative. Stay tuned here and note the principal locations/organizers below. We’ll also broadcast any details on our twitter feed and you can sign up to be contacted (including by text message) on our Snow Clearance page. Thanks!
Washington & Blue Ledge Streets – Rob Orthman
Washington & Cornell Streets – Sarah Kurpiel Lee
Roslindale Community Center (Washington & Cummins) – Steve Gag
Hyde Park Avenue/Cummins Highway – Nick Ward
Walter & South Streets (front of Green T) – Matt Lawlor
Participation Guidelines – Bring your own equipment (shovels, spades) and materials (ice melt) if you feel healthy and up to it. Find the organizers at the above locations at the stipulated time(s) and make sure to give them your name and email address so we can log you in for RVMS Rozzie Bucks for taking part. Thanks!!!
Comment Letter on 3-7 Poplar Street (732 South Street) Apartment Proposal
Today, we sent a letter to the Boston Board of Appeal (colloquially knowing as the Zoning Board) concerning a proposed new apartment project at 3-7 Poplar Street (also known as 732 South Street), right above Wallpaper City. This project is scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday, November 27, 2018.
The full letter is reproduced below; you can also download the original as a PDF file.
Read More
Roslindale Snow Clearance Collaborative – 2018-2019
January 6, 2019 update: please sign up on our snow clearance page at if you’re interested in helping, and spread the word!
After a fair amount of success during the winter of 2017-2018, we here at WalkUP Roslindale are standing ready to launch the Roslindale Snow Clearance Collaborative once again for the upcoming winter of 2018-2019. By way of reminder, the RSCC focuses on clearing snow and ice from bus stops on key routes in and around Roslindale Square and at the major intersection of Hyde Park Avenue and Cummins Highway. This year, we will look to clear bus stops in those same key locations, but we’re also going to see if we can incentivize participation by partnering with our very own Roslindale Village Main Street and District 5 City Councilor Tim McCarthy, as follows:
- Anytime there’s a snow event greater than 4” (just over 10 cm), we will pick a suitable morning or evening time as soon as possible after the snow stops flying to meet up at the 2 locations (NW corner of Hyde Park/Cummins and in front of the Roslindale Community Center on Washington) and then descend on and shovel out the identified stops.
- With the help of our friends Councilor McCarthy and RVMS, the incentive we’re offering will be $10 Rozzie Bucks coupons for everyone who shows up and lends a hand.
- BTW, Rozzie Bucks are a great deal — good at many stores and restos in the square and the farmers market to boot!!
Astute observers of the urban scene here in SW Boston will recognize that this is akin to the program District 6 City Councilor O’Malley has developed for shoveling out neighborhood fire hydrants where he drums up support by giving out JP Licks gift certificates. We hope to do the same with bus stops and Rozzie Bucks and with Councilor McCarthy contributing an initial investment of $300 and the Roslindale Business Group (yes, the second best RBG) underwriting a further $100, we are hopeful that we’ll see success this year. If it snows, we hope you’ll join us!!!
Roslindale Walkable Film Series – Installment #1 – Don’t Think Twice – September 6, 2018
REMINDER: We would LOVE to see you for the initial installment of our monthly film series at the Rozzie Square Theater on Basile Street this Thursday, September 6, 2018, at 7 pm. Come by the multiple bus lines that run through the square every day, come by Blue Bike (we have that now!), come by commuter rail on the Needham Line, walk, bike, or, if you must, go ahead and drive. We can’t wait!!!
Roslindale’s First Ever Street Mural Painting – Sunday, June 4, 2017 12pm-3pm at South Conway and South Street
We are pleased to announce a milestone for the WalkUP Roslindale Street Mural initiative: Roslindale’s First Ever Street Mural Painting. Following in the footsteps of Somerville, Cambridge, Seattle among other great cities, the Mayor’s Mural Crew will assist in creating a street mural adjacent the MBTA commuter rail parking lot, at the intersection of South Conway and South Street.
Our friends from Roslindale Village Main Street will be there to support the effort. There will also be a drum circle from 1pm-2:30pm. For those under age 15, we will have street chalk for your own creative art work.
Rain date – June 11. Check closer to the date for any weather updates.