Highlights from The Rozzie Zoning Zoom!

Key highlights from The Rozzie Zoning Zoom are now available! You can also watch the full recording here.

Balancing Zoning Flexibility & Community Input

Boston City Planner Abdul Zachariah discusses how the new zoning grants greater flexibility to property owners interested in redevelopment, but it is also sensitive to neighborhood character and community input.

Roslindale Housing Growth Projection

Eric Ouyang, CEO of Perci PBC, shares a projection of housing growth in Roslindale based on assumptions of which parcels are more likely to be redeveloped under the new zoning.

New Zoning Makes it Easier to Build Affordable Housing

MAPC Director of Land Use Andrea Harris-Long and Boston City Councilor Enrique Pepén discuss how the new zoning flexibility and faster approval for projects means lower costs, making it easier for affordable housing developers to succeed.

Housing Types For Different Life Stages

Should we require developers to build more family-sized housing? Insights from MAPC Director of Land Use Planning Andrea Harris-Long, Boston City Councilor Enrique Pepén, and Perci CEO Eric Ouyang.

Community Interest in Upzoning

Boston City Councilor Enrique Pepén shares what he’s been hearing from community members interested in the new zoning.

Addressing Displacement

Our panelists discuss the risk of displacement today, as well as what tenants and businesses may encounter under new zoning. They also tackle different strategies for addressing it.

Tax Revenue Impact of New Development

Perci PBC CEO Eric Ouyang and Cambridge City Councilor Burhan Azeem describe the impacts that new development can have on local property tax revenue.

Removing Parking Minimums in Rozzie & Cambridge

Boston City Planner Abdul Zachariah and Cambridge City Councilor Burhan Azeem talk about the implications of allowing developers the flexibility to determine how much on-site parking to build.

Make a Public Comment on Squares + Streets Zoning by the March 31st Deadline!

Recording of The Rozzie Zoning Zoom!

Last night, over 70 people joined us live to listen to a rich and lively discussion with an expert panel of urban planners, local officials, and housing advocates and dive deep into the new Squares + Streets zoning for Roslindale – what will this mean for the community? How much new housing and public amenities should we expect? What will be the impact on affordability and displacement risk?

Video and audio versions of the recording are now available:

Audio only:


WalkUP Roslindale and Rozzidents for More Rozzidents extend our thanks to the excellent panelists who participated.


Resources discussed during the panel:


Public comment is open through March 31, and we want to show strong neighborhood support.

Here’s how to make your voice heard!

TONIGHT at 7pm – The Rozzie Zoning Zoom!

The City proposed new Squares + Streets zoning for Roslindale – what will this mean for the community? How much new housing and public amenities should we expect? What will be the impact on affordability and displacement risk? Join us for an expert panel of urban planners, local officials, and housing advocates tonight to find out!

The Rozzie Zoning Zoom!            

Thursday March 13, 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Submit Your Public Comment on Rozzie Zoning in 2 Minutes!

Boston’s Planning Department released good zoning updates for Roslindale Square, like removing costly parking mandates, allowing buildings up to 7 stories in the commercial core, allowing buildings up to 7 stories in the commercial core, and identifying a potential site for a thoughtful mixed-use high-rise development.

Public comment is open through March 31, and we want to show strong neighborhood support. Here’s how to make your voice heard!

Still want to learn more? Join The Rozzie Zoning Zoom on Mar 13 at 7PM for an expert discussion on how the new zoning could shape Roslindale’s housing, affordability, and walkability over the next 10+ years.

The “Paris-ification” of Cambridge – Go read this piece now!

As we continue to work our way through the Squares & Streets planning and zoning reform process here in Roslindale and look ahead specifically to the Rozzie Zoning Zoom on the 13th of March in which one of our panelists will be none other than Cambridge City Councilor Burhan Azeem, we simply cannot commend enough this piece by Susan Gittelman from B’nai B’rith Housing that recently appeared in Banker & Tradesman

Cambridge legalized multifamily housing citywide…

It’s a quick, but hopeful read about the compelling message that one of our principal, short-, medium-, and long-term goals must be to “build housing where people want to live.” That the Cambridge City Council voted 8 to 1 to support this fundamental a change in that city’s approach to how it zones for housing is indeed remarkable. In the end, the broader idea is to move toward that goal in the way that makes the most sense for every city, town, and neighborhood. As City Councilor Sumbul Siddiqui, co-chair of the council’s housing committee along with Councilor Azeem, notes in the article: “Cambridge has unique economic forces and a unique culture that will affect the details of how other communities might want to apply these concepts.”

The Rozzie Zoning Zoom!

Join WalkUP Roslindale and Rozzidents for More Rozzidents for a virtual community meeting to discuss the recently released draft zoning map for Roslindale Square. Zoning decisions help shape the future of our neighborhood—affecting new development, community amenities, housing affordability, and the risk of displacement.

The Rozzie Zoning Zoom!            

Thursday March 13, 7:00 – 8:30 PM

We’ve assembled a panel of experts, including city planners, housing advocates, and local officials, to provide insights on the zoning map, its upside potential for the community, and strategies to address community concerns. The conversation will cover how the proposed changes could shape future housing patterns and what policies can ensure new development benefits all residents.


Comment Letter on Squares + Streets Small Area Plan

Today, we sent in our comment letter on the Roslindale Squares + Streets Small Area Plan.

If you haven’t sent in your comments yet, you can still take a few minutes to do so by using the tools and resources from our prior post. But please hurry because the deadline is TODAY (1/31/25)!

Submit Comments by January 31 on the S+S Small Area Plan!

Make sure to submit your comments by January 31 on the Small Area Plan for the Roslindale Squares+Streets initiative!

  1. Draft your comment with this handy public comment generator (Español) or draw inspiration from these sample public comments and talking points.
  2. Submit your public comment (or send it to Eileen.Michaud@nullBoston.gov).

For a more in-depth pro-housing take on the Plan, check out Nate Stell’s what I like and what I dislike.


Wait, What’s the Small Area Plan?

The Small Area Plan sets a vision for new public investment and housing development in our neighborhood center. It recommends location, scale, and design standards for future development on our main streets, and it identifies priority improvements to public spaces, intersections, and transportation infrastructure. The Small Area Plan’s land use framework will inform the Planning Department’s zoning recommendations anticipated to be released in February 2025. The plan and the zoning recommendations are the culmination of Roslindale’s Squares+Streets process that began in January 2024.


Upcoming Squares + Streets Events

Virtual Office Hours (register in advance)
Thursday, January 28 | 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Thursday, January 29 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Roslindale Square Squares + Streets Plan Closeout Meeting (virtual)
Thursday, February 6 | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Revised Squares + Streets Roslindale Square Schedule Announced!

As some of our readers may have heard, the City’s Planning Department are now projecting the following milestone dates on the Squares  + Streets Roslindale Square small area planning process based on current progress:

  1. Mid-October: Draft Small Area Plan for Roslindale Square study area will be released for public review (45-day comment period). The small area plan is expected to include revised recommendations that integrate public input from the Ideas Reception Survey under the following five categories: Housing+Real Estate, Small Business, Arts+Culture, Open Space, Transportation, and Land Use Framework and Design.
  2. Early November – Draft Zoning Map Amendment released for public review (30-day comment period). The map, which will be drawn based on the public input on the Land Use Framework, will illustrate parcels recommended for rezoning, and the specific Squares+Streets zoning categories recommended to be applied to those parcels.
  3. Early December –  Public comment periods end.
  4. January – BPDA Board votes on the adoption of the Plan and Zoning Map Amendment. 
  5. February/March – (Depending on the outcome of the BPDA Board vote) Zoning Commission votes to add the Zoning Map Amendment into the zoning map for Roslindale.

Here’s a helpful timeline graphic that was provided with the revised schedule:

Tour de Streets to support LivableStreets Alliance – 21 Sept 2024 – BE THERE!!!

This is the same day as Roslindale Porchfest, but it’s earlier (running roughly from 10 am to 2 pm), so you can definitely do both! LivableStreets Alliance have been a great partner for WalkUP Roslindale over the years, including most significantly on the Roslindale Gateway Path and the morning and evening peak period bus lanes on Washington Street between Forest Hills and Roslindale Square. TDS is always a great time, including an organized walk and two bike rides starting from and ending at the Allston Speedway, but this year will be especially poignant and important as long-time LSA executive director Stacy Thompson is ending her run with the organization. If you know Stacy at all, you know that she has been a tremendously effective advocate in this space and it will be great to give her a proper thanks for all that she has done. SIGN UP HERE and, if you’re interested, feel free to join the WalkUP Roslindale team. Thanks!!!