Category: Uncategorized
RVMS seeks crowdfunding support for Poplar Streetscape Improvements – Invest in a better public realm!
Our go-getter friends at Roslindale Village Main Street have gone public with their emerging plans to make streetscape improvements to the block of Poplar Street that abuts Adams Park in the heart of Roslindale Square. They have teamed up with our other friends at Patronicity to seek $25,000 in crowdfunding to match $25,000 in funds from MassDevelopment and a further $5,000 from the Boston Main Streets Foundation. Take a few minutes to visit the Revitalizing Poplar Street page on Patronicity, and if you like the concept and the direction they’re headed in, make whatever investment you can in a better public realm for our neighborhood!
WalkUP Roslindale Snow Clearance Collaborative Version 1.5 – It may well happen!
Friends,based on Boston Yeti’s latest observed movements, it looks like we will be called once more to rise up and clear snow for our neighbors come Thursday morning. Stay tuned here for more details as the storm event unfolds in the next 24+ hours. In the meantime, be safe and keep on keeping on, just like the Yeti.
Yours truly, The WUR Management.
WalkUP Roslindale Snow Clearance Collaborative Version 1.(3) — FORECAST LOOKS UNLIKELY…
…for our small, but dedicated army of snow clearers to be called into service tomorrow. Forecast is currently for 1 to 3 inches of wet snow. We will get the message out if that changes on the upside. That is all. Good evening!
WE ARE AGAIN A GO – WalkUP Roslindale Key Bus Stop Clearance Version 1.2
Snowfall from the now-commenced storm will almost certainly exceed our 4″ (10.2 cm) benchmark, so we are going to clear our identified key bus stops.
Accordingly, tomorrow (Friday, January 5) morning at 7:00 am: Meet either
(i) Matt Lawlor at the northwest corner of Hyde Park Avenue and Cummins Highway (Atlas Liquors); or
(ii) Steve Gag at the northeast corner of Washington Street and Cummins Highway (RCC).
Feel free to contact Matt (his email is or Steve (his email is directly if you have any questions.
Please dress warmly and bring your own snow/ice clearance equipment and supplies (shovels, picks, icemelt, etc.) to the extent you can. Thanks and hope to see you there tomorrow morning to do some more community service this winter!
TIME AND DATE NOW CONFIRMED – WalkUP Roslindale District Councilor Forum – 6:30 pm on January 24, 2018 @ the RCC
UPDATE: We have a time and location for the Roslindale District Councilor Forum – we will convene for a conversation with our councilors – Councilors Campbell (soon to be Council President), McCarthy, and O’Malley – at 6:30 pm on January 24, 2018, at the Roslindale Community Center, 6 Cummins Highway (corner of Washington and Cummins in Roslindale Square). We encourage attendees to walk, bike, or take the T to the meeting at parking is limited.
Snowfall has now exceeded 4″, so we are going to clear our identified key bus stops. Accordingly, tomorrow (12/10) morning at 8:15 am: Meet Matt Lawlor at the northwest corner of Hyde Park Avenue and Cummins Highway (Atlas Liquors).
Thanks and hope to see you there tomorrow morning to do some community service!
Some thinking about walkable neighborhoods and why “affordable” neighborhoods are about more than just housing costs…
Why walkability is not a luxury
This is a longish read from Rob Steuteville at Public Square and it glosses over some of the deeper issues on disinvestment in our cities in the second half of the 20th century and the hard set of issues that arise from displacement as demand and investment return. But I commend it to help frame the ongoing debate here in Boston and in Roslindale about growth, walkability, and what makes a neighborhood affordable.
If you concentrate on just housing costs, you’re missing half of the direct cost picture and much of the indirect environmental and public health costs. To know if a neighborhood is truly affordable, both housing and transportation costs need to be considered, and then environmental and health impacts have to be layered in on top of that. On this basis, one finds that neighborhoods that seem expensive really aren’t that expensive and neighborhoods that seem affordable really aren’t that affordable. Discuss.
Fall 2017 Pool Mini-Tourney with 21st-ranked All Time Urbanist Jeff Speck!! 11/9 @ 8:30 pm at Napper Tandy’s Roslindale
We’ll gather at approximately 8:30 pm on Thursday, November 9, at Napper Tandy’s in Roslindale for some pool and discussion with our friend and fellow Boston region resident Jeff Speck. Jeff is the highly respected author of The Walkable City and other popular works on the urban condition, including Suburban Nation, which he co-wrote with new urbanist giants Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk. Jeff was also recently ranked 21st on’s ranking of all-time great urbanists. Bring quarters and your thoughts about how we can make Roslindale a more walkable, bikeable, and transit-friendly community.
REMINDER: Jane’s Walk Tomorrow, May 7, 2017 @ 1 pm – Meet downhill from Mendum St. Gate
Here’s a link to the prior announcement: LINK. We will have a WalkUP Roslindale banner set up in the corner of the Arboretum down the hill from the Mendum Street Gate in the Peters Hill section of Roslindale. Hope to see you there!!!