We here at WalkUP Roslindale are just simply awed at the progress that RVMS and the Birch Street merchants have been making on seeing what can be made of the one-block section of Birch between Corinth and Belgrade. Following up on last year’s series of Open Birch Saturdays during June, they’re plunging even further ahead and, as part of the city’s new pilot program for tactical public realm interventions and in cooperation with A Better City and architects Merritt Chase, we will see the first fruits of their labor this week. Check out the facebook page and let the world (or at least the world on facebook) know that you’ll be stopping by to enjoy a little bit more of our city that is being repurposed for people instead of vehicles. It’ll be worth your while — and remember, we’re not closing this part of Birch to anyone, we’re opening it fully to everyone — so, feel free to walk around, sit, read, enjoy, converse in this bit of our neighborhood, and, if you like it, support making it permanent.
Author: Matt Lawlor
Robert Street Bridge Meeting TOMORROW (Monday, 29 April 2019)
We encourage everyone to attend the Robert Street Bridge replacement project’s public meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, 29 April 2019, at 6:30 pm at the Roslindale Community Center (6 Cummins Highway). There should be an opportunity to influence the final design of the project as well as learn more about what the MBTA has planned for the construction period and how it will affect both access to Robert Street and Roslindale Square as well as service on the Needham Line. [NOTE: Photo courtesy Universal Hub.]
Organizing Meeting for West Roxbury Walking Advocacy Group Scheduled – April 30, 2019
In the wake of the driver-on-pedestrian crash on Centre Street in West Roxbury that took the life of neighborhood resident Marilyn Wentworth, there has been a renewed focus on how to make West Roxbury safer for the most vulnerable users of its streets. While much of this focus will be on addressing Centre Street and its manifest problems in the near-term, this is really a neighborhood-wide (indeed, a city-wide) problem. To that end, working with our friends at WalkBoston and walking safety advocates in West Roxbury convened by West Roxbury Main Streets, we’re happy to spread word of a “Ped 101” training and organizing meeting to be held at the Area E-5 Police Station’s community room on Tuesday, April 30, at 6:30 pm. Details can be found at the event’s facebook page. We hope to see you and many of our friends from West Roxbury there and then!!
*** UPDATED *** WalkUP Roslindale Snow Clearance Collaborative – Session 3 – ACTIVATED for 4 March 2019
This one seems to have been more along the lines of 10-12″ (25-30cm). This morning’s locations are done (thanks!). Here are the ones for this afternoon:
HP Avenue/Cummins Highway (NE corner) – Monday, 4 March 2019, 2:00 pm (Organizer: Nick Ward).
Washington Street/Cornell Street – Monday, 4 March 2019, 5:00 pm (Organizer: Sarah Kurpiel Lee)
Washington Street/Blue Ledge – Monday, 4 March 2019, 5:00 pm (Organizer: Rob Orthman)
Participation Guidelines – Bring your own equipment (shovels, spades) and materials (ice melt) if you feel healthy and up to it. Find the organizers at the above locations at the stipulated dates/times and make sure to give them your name and email address so we can log you in for RVMS Rozzie Bucks for taking part. Thanks!!!
WalkUP Roslindale Snow Clearance Collaborative is ON – See below re dates/times/locations [UPDATE RE CUMMINS/HP AV.]
With 4″ (10cm) + of fluffy snow having fallen with this storm, we are hereby activating the Collaborative. Note the principal locations/organizers/dates/times below. Thanks!
Washington & Cornell Streets – Friday, 1 March 2019, 12:00 pm (Organizer: Sarah Kurpiel Lee)
Roslindale Community Center (Washington & Cummins) – Friday, 1 March 2019, 7:00 am (Organizer: Steve Gag)
Hyde Park Avenue/Cummins Highway – Thursday, 28 February 2019, 12:30 pm (Organizer: Nick Ward)
Walter & South Streets (front of Green T) – Friday, 1 March 2019, 7:00 am (Organizer: Matt Lawlor)
Participation Guidelines – Bring your own equipment (shovels, spades) and materials (ice melt) if you feel healthy and up to it. Find the organizers at the above locations at the stipulated dates/times and make sure to give them your name and email address so we can log you in for RVMS Rozzie Bucks for taking part. Thanks!!!
Stand by for the go/no go on the Roslindale Snow Collaborative – We will post tomorrow morning (28 Feb 2019) at 8 am.
Most likely gathering times will be either tomorrow evening or Friday. Stay tuned. Thanks!
No activation of the WUR Snow Clearance Collaborative Today (18 Feb 2019) – Snowfall not sufficient
This snowfall was again under the 4″ (10 cm) mark, so we’re not going to activate the SCC. We still encourage everyone to pitch in and help where and how you can!
More of this please: District 6 Councilor Matt O’Malley to hold MBTA office hours – 19 Feb 2019
This is a welcome new way to communicate with constituents that we hope catches on for all of our councilors (also recognizing that Councilor Wu has been directly communicating through social media about her personal MBTA experiences for some time now). According to Go Boston 2030, the transit mode share for Roslindale residents’ work trips exceeds 25%, so this appears to be a great investment of the councilor’s time and a way to meet and take the pulse of this substantial slice of the neighborhood (a portion of which Councilor O’Malley does represent). We encourage everyone to attend, and tell us how it went in the comments!
WalkUP Roslindale Snow Clearance Collaborative – POSSIBLE ACTIVATION 12-13 Feb 2019 – STAY TUNED HERE.
Depending on snowfall amounts and temperatures this afternoon/evening/overnight, we may be activating the Collaborative. Stay tuned here and note the principal locations/organizers below. We’ll also broadcast any details on our twitter feed and you can sign up to be contacted (including by text message) on our Snow Clearance page. Thanks!
Washington & Blue Ledge Streets – Rob Orthman
Washington & Cornell Streets – Sarah Kurpiel Lee
Roslindale Community Center (Washington & Cummins) – Steve Gag
Hyde Park Avenue/Cummins Highway – Nick Ward
Walter & South Streets (front of Green T) – Matt Lawlor
Participation Guidelines – Bring your own equipment (shovels, spades) and materials (ice melt) if you feel healthy and up to it. Find the organizers at the above locations at the stipulated time(s) and make sure to give them your name and email address so we can log you in for RVMS Rozzie Bucks for taking part. Thanks!!!
ATTENTION: WalkUP Roslindale Snow Collaborative In Effect TODAY (20 January 2019)
Enough snow has fallen and temperatures look like they won’t get high enough to have warm enough rain that will wash it away, so we are a GO today at the following locations at the following times with the following organizers:
1: 00 pm
Washington & Blue Ledge Streets – Rob Orthman
Washington & Cornell Streets – Sarah Kurpiel Lee
2:00 pm
Roslindale Community Center (Washington & Cummins) – Steve Gag
Hyde Park Avenue/Cummins Highway – Matt Lawlor and Nick Ward
Participation Guidelines – Bring your own equipment (shovels, spades) and materials (ice melt) if you feel healthy and up to it. Find the captains at the above locations at the above times and make sure to give them your name and email address so we can send you the Rozzie Bucks for taking part. The snow is heavy but there thankfully isn’t too much of it. An hour should do it. Thanks!!!