“Alternative 1”As noted earlier, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (“DCR”) held an additional public meeting about potential redesign of the Centre Street Corridor in Roslindale on November 10, 2015. The meeting was reasonably well attended with a robust discussion about the significant problems with existing conditions at the troublesome Walter & Centre Street intersection, among others, and potential design alternatives. The majority of the spoken comments offered were consistent with key WalkUP principles. Although the latest presentation has not (yet) been posted, a copy of the presentation from the 10/7/15 meeting concerning the same area is available on the DCR website. WalkUp Roslindale is working on a formal comment letter advocating in favor of alternative 1 and emphasizing that any design must better incorporate pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure.
“Alternative 2”The redesign project, which is not currently funded by the state legislature, will not be implemented for at least three years, in the best of circumstances. It is important for Roslindale residents and WalkUP supporters to voice how critical the project is for the walkability and cycleabilty of Roslindale.
The comment period has been extended to November 30, 2015.
DCR should make pedestrian and cycling access and usability a priority in a design and not be treated–as in the existing conditions–as second to automobile use.
A traffic light (alternatives 1 and 2) is an essential component of pedestrian and cyclist safety and must be included.
Key abutters, including the residents, employers and visitors of day care centers, senior housing facilities and a rehabilitation hospital complex require safe, usable and convenient crossing of both Walter and Centre Streets.
One thought to “Update from the Nov. 10, 2015 Community DCR Meeting re Centre/Walter Intersection”
I am in strong disagreement with WalkUp Roslindale’s advocacy position in favor of Alternative 1 – as some one who drives through that intersection from hell, every morning, I find Alternative 2 much, much more appealing – asking all the traffic heading into Boston (right turn on Centre St.) to queue into a single lane and wait for a light to change (Alternative 1) will cause even more backup and wait time down Walter and Bussey Streets, than already exists, with resulting emissions. What a nightmare Alternative 1 will create for our local morning commuters. There are very few pedestrians in that area, during the morning commute, and I feel the addition of the proposed traffic light and installation of crosswalks (per Alternative 2) will address any existing issues with pedestrian access and safety.
I am in strong disagreement with WalkUp Roslindale’s advocacy position in favor of Alternative 1 – as some one who drives through that intersection from hell, every morning, I find Alternative 2 much, much more appealing – asking all the traffic heading into Boston (right turn on Centre St.) to queue into a single lane and wait for a light to change (Alternative 1) will cause even more backup and wait time down Walter and Bussey Streets, than already exists, with resulting emissions. What a nightmare Alternative 1 will create for our local morning commuters. There are very few pedestrians in that area, during the morning commute, and I feel the addition of the proposed traffic light and installation of crosswalks (per Alternative 2) will address any existing issues with pedestrian access and safety.