Call for action on Hyde Park Ave safety improvements

Hyde Park Ave. is a key connection between Roslindale and adjacent neighborhoods but has long suffered from significant safety issues as a result of decades-old road design decisions that encourage fast and unsafe driving. On December 11, 2024, the City of Boston ran a “Community Open House” for the initiative to improve safety on this street. It had been advertised in advance that draft designs would be shown at the meeting, but instead it was announced that the City will spend all of 2025 running additional community meetings. Streetsblog Mass covered this meeting in detail.

Residents dismayed by this delay are circulating a letter (English / Español) to sign in response, requesting more immediate action.
We support this effort and encourage our supporters to check out the blog post and join the letter.

Streetsbooks MASS upcoming event – Angie Schmitt and “Right of Way” – 13 January 2021

We very much encourage everyone who tunes in to us here at WalkUP Roslindale to sign up and attend the upcoming book club virtual gathering being held by Streetsblog MASS with joint sponsorship from WalkBoston. The event, to be held on the evening of 13 January 2021 at 7:30 pm, will feature author Angie Schmitt to discuss her recently published book Right of Way: Race, Class, and the Silent Epidemic of Pedestrian Deaths in America. There is no charge to attend the event, though everyone is welcome to start off the new year right by donating whatever they are willing/able to either Streetsblog MASS or WalkBoston.

The event page on the Streetsblog MASS website, with information on how to register, can be found here. And don’t forget that our neighborhood’s newly-launched bookstore, Rozzie Bound, can also be paired with an order for the book through