Grand Opening of Walter Street Path Saturday, 6/22/2024 at 1pm

Celebrating New Beginnings Walter Street EventThis coming Saturday, June 22, 2024, at 1pm, the Longfellow Area Neighborhood Association and the Roslindale Wetlands Task Force are hosting Celebrating New Beginnings for 104-108 Walter Street with the grand opening of the new Walter Street Path to the Roslindale Wetlands Urban Wild area and its ecological restoration along with the start of the renovation/construction phase creating four units of affordable home ownership with Habitat for Humanity. We supported this project, which advances equity as well as climate resiliency, and encourage other supporters to attend this opening event. There will be fun, snacks, wetlands walks, info tables, and of course, a ribbon-cutting.

Flyer available here.

Spread the word!

Virtual Visioning Session for Squares + Streets – Tomorrow – 7 May 2024 @ 6-8 pm

The BPDA will be hosting a virtual visioning session tomorrow night, 7 May 2024, from 6 to 8 pm (Register here). The session parallels last week’s in-person session. BPDA staff describe the session as an opportunity “to collaborate with the community on generating ideas for potential planning and zoning recommendations for the Roslindale Square Squares + Streets Plan. This session will include a summary of existing conditions analysis, feedback received to-date and community visions for different topic areas, as well as hands-on activities to contribute your ideas for potential recommendations.”

More information about the session can be found here.

WalkUP Roslindale Double-Header Coming Up – TransitMatters and Roslindale Gateway Path – 17 September 2023 – 5 pm

Construction has started on the first phase of the Roslindale Gateway Path. This is the scene as of 27 August 2023 looking south from the point of connection with the Blackwell Path.

You read that right! On Sunday, 17 September 2023, WalkUP Roslindale will feature back-t0-back speakers commencing at 5 pm at the Substation in Roslindale Square. The public are invited to these informational sessions.

To start, we’ll hear from Jarred Johnson of TransitMatters, about their transit advocacy plans for the fall and, especially, the recent report they released on “Modernizing the Needham Line: The Case for an Orange Line Extension to West Roxbury.” NOTE: WalkUP Roslindale has not taken a position on any of the report’s recommendations.

To finish, we’ll have a presentation from our own Greg Tobin, WalkUP Roslindale board member, on the City’s progress with implementation of the shared city/arboretum/community vision around the Roslindale Gateway Path, especially the start of construction on the first phase of the path, running from the end of the Blackwell Path at South Street to the underpass at Arboretum Road. The photo above was taken just today – we hope it’s severely dated by the time we get to the 17th of next month!

We’re planning 30 minutes for each of our presentations and Q+A, so everyone should be on their way by 6 pm.

Comment Letter on Community Benefits for 18-22 Arboretum Road Development

Last week, we joined with several community partners to send a letter to the BPDA requesting community benefits to accompany the 18-22 Arboretum Road Development, a proposed 230-apartment development just off Washington Street abutting the Arboretum. Our joint letter focuses on funding for the Gateway Path and food pantry certification for an Archdale food distribution site. The full letter is reproduced below.

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Harvard-Hosted Gateway Path Community Virtual Update – November 3, 2022 at 6:30pm

As long-time WalkUP followers know, the Roslindale Gateway Path is a proposed ADA-accessible shared-use pedestrian and cycling path through the Arnold Arboretum. This project aims to extend the Southwest Corridor path system from Forest Hills bus, subway, and Commuter Rail terminus to Roslindale Village Commuter Rail Station, providing carbon-free commuting options and connecting Boston residents with the natural environment close to where they live. On November 3, 2022 from 6:30-8:00pm, the Arboretum will host a project update meeting open to members of the public (via Zoom). Register in advance for this meeting here.

Fall 2022 Gateway Path Update UPDATED with Spanish Translation

New entrance to Arboretum near ArchWe receive frequent questions about progress on the Gateway Path, which will connect Roslindale Square to Forest Hills through the Arnold Arboretum on a nearly straight path, creating a safe green connection between JP and Roslindale and improving park access for points in between. The idea for this project helped catalyze WalkUP Roslindale’s formation early in 2015, and continues to be one of our highest priority initiatives.

To that end, please check out this detailed and recently updated presentation showing progress to date and plans for the future.

In addition, Saturday, Oct 15, 2022 is the Arboretum’s annual Crabapple and Maple festival. From 10am to 4pm, the section of South Street from Bussey St (Poplar Gate) to the Archdale Arch will be closed to traffic. The Gateway Path will be showcased at a display on South Street near the Archdale Arch. We’ll be tabling to show design plans for the the path, the boardwalk, and possible new options for pedestrian and bicycle access at the Arch entrance. We hope to see you there!


Recibimos muchas preguntas sobre el progreso del Sendero de Entrada (Gateway Path), el cual conectará a Roslindale Square con Forest Hills a través del Arnold Arboretum por medio de un sendero casi derecho, creando una conexión verde segura entre JP y Roslindale y mejorando acceso al parque para los lugares entre medio. La idea para este proyecto ayudó a catalizar el empiezo de WalkUP Roslindale a principios del 2015, y continúa siendo una de nuestras iniciativas de prioridad más alta.  

A ese fin, por favor vea esta presentación detallada y recién actualizada mostrando el progreso hasta la fecha y planes para el futuro. 

Mas alla, sabado, Oct 15, 2022 es el Festival Anual del Arboretum de Manzanas y Arce (Arboretum’s annual Crabapple and Maple festival). Desde las 10am a 4pm, la sección de South Street desde Bussey St (Poplar Gate) hasta Archdale Arch estará cerrada al tráfico. Habrá una exhibición en South Street cerca de Archdale Arc para mostrar el Sendero de Entrada (Gateway Path). Tendremos una mesa para mostrar los planes de diseño para el sendero, paseo elevado, y nuevas posibles opciones para acceso peatonal y para bicis en la entrada de Arch. ¡Esperamos verte allí! 

Translator: Grecia White.

RoslinTrails Walk – Saturday, October 9, 2021 – 12:30 pm – Roslindale Square/Cummins

Following up on today’s impressively successful RoslinTrails bike ride, we here at WalkUP Roslindale will do our part to launch this great concept from our friends at Roslindale Village Main Street and host a walk starting in the square on Saturday, October 9, at 12:30 pm. Our route will take us out on Cummins Highway (tentatively dubbed “RoslinTrails Route 1”) to Hyde Park Avenue and then back via a route running along HP Av to Blakemore Road, Florence Street, Firth Road, and Washington Street. Particular stops are being worked out and more details including an event registration page will be forthcoming. We look forward to seeing as many of our friends as can join us!

Progress on Gateway Path funding thanks to Sen. Rush and Rep. Malia

We have been working for many years with our elected leaders to make the Roslindale Gateway Path a reality and were delighted to learn that Sen. Mike Rush has successfully pushed through an amendment to this year’s state budget bill  allocating $100,000 toward development of the path. Rep. Liz Malia and her staff are on board to help see this through on the House side. This is a significant step forward for the path, which we hope will be fully funded in the coming years.

Advocacy Opportunity – Boston City Council Sidewalk Snow Clearance Hearing – 10 am, March 16 via Zoom

Yes, the hearing – under the subtitle “Supplemental Sidewalk Clearance Program During Snowstorms in Boston” – will be held by the council’s Committee on City and Neighborhood Services during the day, but it will be over Zoom. Anyone interested in testifying or offering public testimony should send an email to committee liaison Juan Lopez (email to request the zoom link, sign up to testify at the hearing, and/or to submit written comment separately. Your friends here at WalkUP Roslindale will be there, with bells on, and we’ll post our written testimony after the hearing. We have long-standing, well-documented thoughts about the consistently awful, incredibly short shrift our city gives to people walking, biking, and taking transit during and after any significant snowfall. This is the first opportunity we can recall where the public is being invited to speak to our city’s administration about just how bad it is out there and what we believe can and should be done. We hope you can participate! PS And we’d like to give a special note of thanks to Councilor Bok for issuing the call for this hearing. It’s way, way, way past time to do better in what is supposed to be “America’s Walking City.”