The city recently rolled out BOS:311, the latest attempt to provide a single coordinated interface for citizens to report non-emergency issues. BOS:311 replaces the old “Citizen’s Connect” app. You can install the app for free on your iPhone or Android device; or if you don’t have a smartphone, use the web interface or just call 311 from a land line.
While we’re not convinced that bad sidewalks and crosswalks should count as “non-emergency”, BOS:311 is an excellent way to report and track pedestrian infrastructure issues that should be addressed with a relatively quick fix. You can also use your BOS:311 report as a pointer when asking your elected representatives to demand that the relevant city departments take action. We urge all WalkUP supporters to install the app and report problems with our walking environment.
Below are a couple of examples we reported this week. The first one has oddly been marked as “case resolved,” which in this case appears to mean “this is scheduled to be fixed” (we hope!). Click on either image to get the full report and status.

Just like with 911, the more people who call it in, the more likely action will be taken.