Tag: Taft Hill Park

Taft Hill Park Proposal Takes a Step Forward

We blogged about the proposal for 19 new residential units on Taft Hill Park (directly adjacent to the city’s public parking lot) a couple of months ago, shortly before the BRA’s public meeting on the developer’s small project review application. And we followed that up with a letter during the comment period. Just this week, small project review concluded with the BRA Board’s approval at their meeting on Thursday, along with five other projects indicative of the current pace of development in Boston. In WalkUP Roslindale’s view, this is the right result. In our comment letter, we expressed overall support for the location and the thoughtful way the developer was taking advantage of the highly transit-accessible and walkable location, while offering our suggestions on certain aspects of the developer’s proposal. The next step for the proposal will be to proceed with the process for obtaining the zoning relief (specifically, variances) needed under the zoning code. This will likely mean another community meeting and then the required hearing before the Board of Appeal. We will continue to follow the proposal and how our suggestions are ultimately responded to. Look for updates here as this proposal continues to work its way through the review and approval process.

Official WalkUP Roslindale Comment Letter – 20 Taft Hill Park
We hope many of you will agree with some if not all of the points made below. Either way, however, we’d love to hear your feedback in the comments.
REMINDER: 20 Taft Hill Park Proposed Project — Comment Period ends 7 Nov 2015
We will be submitting a comment letter on behalf of the WalkUP Roslindale steering group tomorrow (most likely).
THAT SAID, everyone here is encouraged to submit their own comment letters/emails before the official November 7 comment period deadline. Public meeting presence and participation count to set the tone about a particular process, but it’s the written comments that really get reviewed and counted in the formal consideration. Take a little bit of time and send in an email with your comments and expression of support (if applicable) to edward.mcguire@nullboston.gov, the BRA project manager for the project. And feel free to let us know when you’ve submitted and even a summary of what you said in the comments to this post. Thanks!!!