Comment Letter on Community Benefits for 18-22 Arboretum Road Development

Last week, we joined with several community partners to send a letter to the BPDA requesting community benefits to accompany the 18-22 Arboretum Road Development, a proposed 230-apartment development just off Washington Street abutting the Arboretum. Our joint letter focuses on funding for the Gateway Path and food pantry certification for an Archdale food distribution site. The full letter is reproduced below.

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Harvard-Hosted Gateway Path Community Virtual Update – November 3, 2022 at 6:30pm

As long-time WalkUP followers know, the Roslindale Gateway Path is a proposed ADA-accessible shared-use pedestrian and cycling path through the Arnold Arboretum. This project aims to extend the Southwest Corridor path system from Forest Hills bus, subway, and Commuter Rail terminus to Roslindale Village Commuter Rail Station, providing carbon-free commuting options and connecting Boston residents with the natural environment close to where they live. On November 3, 2022 from 6:30-8:00pm, the Arboretum will host a project update meeting open to members of the public (via Zoom). Register in advance for this meeting here.

Fall 2022 Gateway Path Update UPDATED with Spanish Translation

New entrance to Arboretum near ArchWe receive frequent questions about progress on the Gateway Path, which will connect Roslindale Square to Forest Hills through the Arnold Arboretum on a nearly straight path, creating a safe green connection between JP and Roslindale and improving park access for points in between. The idea for this project helped catalyze WalkUP Roslindale’s formation early in 2015, and continues to be one of our highest priority initiatives.

To that end, please check out this detailed and recently updated presentation showing progress to date and plans for the future.

In addition, Saturday, Oct 15, 2022 is the Arboretum’s annual Crabapple and Maple festival. From 10am to 4pm, the section of South Street from Bussey St (Poplar Gate) to the Archdale Arch will be closed to traffic. The Gateway Path will be showcased at a display on South Street near the Archdale Arch. We’ll be tabling to show design plans for the the path, the boardwalk, and possible new options for pedestrian and bicycle access at the Arch entrance. We hope to see you there!


Recibimos muchas preguntas sobre el progreso del Sendero de Entrada (Gateway Path), el cual conectará a Roslindale Square con Forest Hills a través del Arnold Arboretum por medio de un sendero casi derecho, creando una conexión verde segura entre JP y Roslindale y mejorando acceso al parque para los lugares entre medio. La idea para este proyecto ayudó a catalizar el empiezo de WalkUP Roslindale a principios del 2015, y continúa siendo una de nuestras iniciativas de prioridad más alta.  

A ese fin, por favor vea esta presentación detallada y recién actualizada mostrando el progreso hasta la fecha y planes para el futuro. 

Mas alla, sabado, Oct 15, 2022 es el Festival Anual del Arboretum de Manzanas y Arce (Arboretum’s annual Crabapple and Maple festival). Desde las 10am a 4pm, la sección de South Street desde Bussey St (Poplar Gate) hasta Archdale Arch estará cerrada al tráfico. Habrá una exhibición en South Street cerca de Archdale Arc para mostrar el Sendero de Entrada (Gateway Path). Tendremos una mesa para mostrar los planes de diseño para el sendero, paseo elevado, y nuevas posibles opciones para acceso peatonal y para bicis en la entrada de Arch. ¡Esperamos verte allí! 

Translator: Grecia White.

Progress on Gateway Path funding thanks to Sen. Rush and Rep. Malia

We have been working for many years with our elected leaders to make the Roslindale Gateway Path a reality and were delighted to learn that Sen. Mike Rush has successfully pushed through an amendment to this year’s state budget bill  allocating $100,000 toward development of the path. Rep. Liz Malia and her staff are on board to help see this through on the House side. This is a significant step forward for the path, which we hope will be fully funded in the coming years.

Spring 2020 Gateway Path Update – New 25% Conceptual Plan, Demolition Started at Bussey Brook Meadow

The Roslindale Gateway Path remains one of WalkUP Roslindale’s signature initiatives and a top priority. As we approach the five year mark since its conception (along with WalkUP itself), we’re starting to see concrete progress. Please excuse the pun.

Notably, we recently received a revised 25% conceptual plan for the path from our partner consultant, Horsley Witten Group. As you will see below, the path course has been modestly revised, and more details about eventual construction filled in. Click on the image to see an (extremely) high-resolution detailed version.

Updated 25% Design Plan for Roslindale Gateway PathMeanwhile, demolition work on the new Bussey Brook Meadow entrance to the path–at the end of Arboretum Road off of Washington Street–recently started:

Demolition of Bussey Brook Meadow Entrance to Arboretum

We are looking ahead to break ground for this segment of the path sometime this summer. The other major update is that design work is moving forward on the grand boardwalk connecting the Peters Hill segment of the path – this segment will connect the intersection of Bussey and South Street to the Bussey Brook Meadow. Renderings of this section are expected in June 2020. Blow-up of this section below, with the new, improved Arboretum Road entrance on the bottom right:Boardwalk Section of Bussey Brook Path

Join us on Lilac Sunday 5/12 10am-3pm to learn about a new entrance to the Arboretum


The City of Boston in partnership with the Arnold Arboretum, WalkUP Roslindale, and the Arboretum Park Conservancy are working to create a new entrance to the Arnold Arboretum at the end of Arboretum Road that will ultimately connect up with our planned Gateway Path.

Please stop by on LILAC SUNDAY (this coming Sunday, May 12) to learn about the project and enjoy some ice cream and music on your way to viewing the lilacs! The entrance is not yet paved, so please wear sturdy shoes or boots

Date and Time:    Sunday, May 12, 2019, 10 AM to 3 PM

Location:        End of Arboretum Road, Roslindale

Community Meeting on February 28, 2019 at Menino/Archdale Community Center for Gateway Path 25% Design of Entire Path

Please join us on Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 6:30pm at the BCYF Thomas Menino (Archdale) Community Center (125 Brookway Road) to learn about the 25% design study for the Roslindale Gateway Path and provide feedback. Last summer, we had a community meeting focusing on the portion on MBTA land adjacent the Roslindale commuter rail station. This meeting will focus on the entire length of the new planned path, including the section closest to the Archdale neighborhood in Roslindale — running near the Needham Line commuter rail tracks adjacent Peter’s Hill from the entrance of the Arboretum through to the tunnel entrance at the end of Arboretum Road, and then all the way to the existing Blackwell Path. RSVP appreciated (so we can plan for the appropriate crowd) but not required.

RSVP appreciated. You can also join the event and invite others from the Facebook event page or the Nextdoor event page. Spread the word!

Gateway Path - Proposed Route
Gateway Path – Proposed Route

Recap of Roslindale Gateway Path – 25% Meeting on MBTA Portion

We had great turnout and lots of enthusiasm at a community meeting held last week to present the preliminary 25% design of the first portion of the planned Roslindale Gateway Path. The Gateway Path is WalkUP’s signature initiative, supported by a broad coalition of like-minded organizations including Rozzie Bikes and the Livable Streets Alliance. Ultimately, the path will create a new entrance to the Arboretum closer to Roslindale Village (right from the MBTA Commuter Rail station), allow entry to the park from Roslindale without having to surmount a big hill, provide improved access to the park along its route, and connect all the way up to the Forest Hills orange line station and Southwest Corridor Path.

For this meeting, we were focused only on the first portion which will cross over MBTA land. Since this portion requires negotiating land rights (the Arboretum, the City, and the MBTA will be all be involved), we thought it important to complete the process of gathering community feedback on that section first so those negotiations can move forward. Hence, this meeting, which was attended by as many as 50 residents, business owners, city employees, and representatives of our elected officials. Notably represented at the meeting were District City Councilors Tim McCarthy and Matt O’Malley, State Rep. Jeffrey Sanchez, and State Sen. Michael Rush. City-Councilor-at-Large Michelle Wu has also been very supportive of the project.

The presentation was lead by Jen Relstab of the Horsley Witten Group, our design consultant from the start of this effort. Be sure to check out the complete presentation. Following the slideshow, we received ample constructive feedback and questions from the group, ranging from questions about snow and ice; maintenance; policing; wildlife; storm water; trash; and ideas about various surfaces that might be used in different parts of the path. We’re incorporating this feedback and ideas into our next steps, and look forward to returning to the community as the project moves forward. If you have comments in the meantime, feel free to send them to

Some tweets and photos from the event below.