WalkUP Roslindale Supporter Sign-Up Form

For more information on the organization, see our main page. This is a very simple page for signing up as a "supporter".

You can also follow us on Twitter, join us on Facebook, and/or sign up for our announcement list.

If you sign up below, we will not publish your name or any specific details about you without your express permission. We will not sell your information to anyone. We will not send any advertising to you or give your information to advertisers. We will never give your phone number to anyone, and it's not required to sign-up. We ask supporters to sign up (1) so they can be counted and (2) for very occasional email outreach about important WalkUP events and developments. We do not expect to send more than 4-5 emails per month, usually less. In lieu of filling out this form, you can also just join our announcement list directly.

Full name (required):
Email address (required):
Street address (optional):
Phone (optional):
Neighborhood (optional): East Roslindale
Forest Hills
Longfellow Area
Lower South Street
Main Street Business District
Metropolitan Hill
Peters Hill
Prospect Hill
West Village

Other Neighborhood of Roslindale (identify in suggestion box below so we can add!)

Jamaica Plain
West Roxbury
Other Neighborhood of Boston
Other Greater Boston City/Town
Other Massachusetts City/Town
Outside Massachusetts
Outside USA
Anything else you'd like to say (optional):